Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Japan’s Mundane Halloween Contest of 2019: How It Looked Like

"Guy who grabbed a cart but did not buy much"

Five years ago, in 2014, a Japanese subculture, called jimi Halloween (地味ハロウィンor “mundane Halloween”), emerged. The said subculture was started by a group of adults at Daily Portal Z who “kind of wanted to participate in the festivities of Halloween, but were too embarrassed to go all out in witch or zombie costumes.” In order for them to still be able to celebrate Halloween without embarrassing themselves, they decided to dress up in mundane costumes instead of extravagant costumes.

     The type of costumes that you have to explain to people and then they say, ooooh I get it.

Reality, indeed, is much more scarier than anything else.

Check out the other pictures at Spoon&Tamago.

"She forgot to take out the trash"

"It's a pain in the butt to drink a hot beverage, specially if you're wearing glasses."

(Images Credit: Spoon&Tamago)

By Franzified

Myths About Grief That You Might Be Believing

Grief and loss still remain as one of the great taboos of society. Think about it. We are reluctant in talking about death. We avoid the subject entirely. We euphemize words that pertain to death. Instead of saying that a person “died”, we say that that person “passed away.”

No one is to be blamed, however, when a person avoids the topic. After all, it is a difficult, awkward, and painful thing to discuss. There’s a downside to not talking about the topic, however — it allows spaces for myths about grief and loss to spread, which would make it harder for us to grieve.

Thankfully, Psychology Today provides us five of the most common myths about grief, alongside actual facts about it.

Take for example the first myth — that “grief is a feeling.”

     One of the most common misconceptions about grief is that it’s a feeling. Given that grief occurs in some of the most painful situations anyone can imagine, we generally associate it with depression. But grief is actually a process composed of many emotions, including expected ones like sadness, as well as more surprising ones like anger, frustration, guilt, or even shock.

     It’s common during grief to experience positive feelings, as well, such as relief that our loved one is out of pain. At times, people also can feel numb, almost like the death hadn’t happened. What’s important to know is that all of these emotions—at least in measured amounts—are normal.

Know more about these myths over at the site.

(Image Credit: vlanka/ Pixabay)

By Franzified

Sunday, November 3, 2019

When Distractions Distort Reality

Your phone vibrates as a new notification pops in. You hear some kids outside playing. You see the advertisement on this article. You hear the sound of a new message coming in. The next thing you know, you got distracted.

We are bombarded with distractions everyday — distractions that, more often than not, keeps us away from achieving our goals. But more than that, distractions can also be dangerous, as it alters the way we perceive reality.

     A new study suggests that distractions… might change our perception of what’s real, making us believe we saw something different from what we actually saw.

     Even more troubling, the study suggests people might not realize their perception has changed – to the contrary, they might feel great confidence in what they think they saw.

     “We wanted to find out what happens if you’re trying to pay attention to one thing and something else interferes,” said Julie Golomb, senior author and associate professor of psychology at The Ohio State University. “Our visual environment contains way too many things for us to process in a given moment, so how do we reconcile those pressures?”

     The results, published online recently in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, indicate that, sometimes, we don’t.

What happened on the research, and what do the results imply? Find out the answers over at Ohio State News.

(Image Credit: Melmak/ Pixabay)

By Franzified

Low-Risk Drinking Can Be Risky, Too

(Image Credit: Pixabay) If you think that you’re safe from health complications that could be caused by alcohol consumption because...